Why do you need marketing?

Why do you need marketing?

As a Marketing Consultant, I often ask questions and then do a lot of listening.

One of my initial questions when I first start working with a small business is: Why do you need marketing?

It's not a trick question designed to make anyone uncomfortable; rather, it's meant to spark reflection and generate meaningful discussion about what marketing means to you, what you hope to achieve for your small business, and why it matters.

What’s your problem?

Another question I ask is: What problem are you trying to solve?

I frequently work with business owners who reach out because they have hit a wall and want to overcome it.

Not everyone has a clear answer. They may sense that something is amiss but struggle to connect their existing marketing activities with the underlying problem. They don’t fully grasp the role Marketing plays or how their marketing approach to date could be their problem…

The importance of marketing for small businesses

There are multiple reasons why a small business needs marketing. Marketing strategies serve several purposes. They:

  • generate new business

  • retain business

  • engage with suppliers

  • attract new talent to the team

  • raise staff profiles

  • disseminate expertise

  • showcase clients…

Understanding the link

These reasons stem back to what you want your business to achieve, from your mission and vision to your objectives and bottom line. They form the foundation of your marketing needs, driving the various layers of your marketing strategy.

Recognising problems and finding the solutions

If you’re not attracting new business or retaining clients, as an example, then there may be a fundamental problem with your marketing approach. This is where I come in to help you unravel why you need marketing - to help you achieve your goals - and why it isn’t making the impact you want it to.

By understanding the multiple dimensions and objectives of your marketing, you can align the right strategies with your business goals and effectively address the challenges you face.

Over to you - what would your answers be?